Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Collection of science test for grade 7 (soal IPA kelas 7 SMP)

Collection of science questions for grade 7 SMP / MTS in the post this time including the collection of the most amount of exercise and the most complete because of the example problems ever in the post for the junior class of seven, a matter which is displayed meluputi heat, joule, amplitude, wavelength, frequency , and banyangan mirror (5 questions),
The next question about the acceleration and speed (7 questions), the mass resistivity, gravity, floating bodies, the gas pressure, business, style, lever (about 25), essay (two questions), pressure vessels, Archimedes, pascal, newton law, changes in energy electrical, chemical, drug control bodies (25 questions), essay three questions, and still have 75 more questions that must be completed.


(kumpulan soal Fisika untuk SMP/SMA, berisikan lebih dari 100 soal untuk persiapan ujian semester dan kenaikan kelas)

Kumpulan Soal FISIKA Kelas 7 SMP

Junior High School (SMP) - complete mathematics test pratice

The following are a selection of questions for junior high school, created by Zurick Zaryan, from educational institutions SSC, in this document you can learn in advance about the theory will be tested, you can learn from the set, numbers, basic algebraic operations, then the question of equality and inequality, relationships, math functions, then about arithmetical test, line, angles, congruency, a matter of chapter V will provide training on a flat wake, then the question of the circle and up the space, and the last question is the transformation, change and statistics

(soal ini hasil karya dari pengajar SSC Bintaro, khusus memberikan latihan soal dan sedikit pembahasan serta teori dari soal yang ditampilkan untuk siswa SMP).

Sample of Tutorial set and number

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